Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Whimsical, wonderful Willem holding wildflowers

Vance and the boys take a canoe ride
Willem was especially excited about this adventure!

Enjoying Nature
Father's Day Weekend

Vance is at the Ephrata races with the boys tonight, watching their cousin Jordan race! Hazel and I are tidying up and enjoying eachother's company!
I wish Vance, my dad, his dad and his stepdad all a HAPPY FATHER's DAY! I had a crazy week and sent no Father's Day cards. Shame on me, I know. Merit is a gift giver and he has a little gift hidden for Vance in his room. The boys want to camp tonight too, down at the cabin if it isn't too hot -- otherwise they pitched a tent earlier today. Willem was very excited today for Hazel, it was her first time going in a tent! Willem is crazy about all Hazel is learning and doing. I have had such a fun day with our family today. We did some weeding, the guys took a boat ride and we just enjoyed hanging out in the yard. Vance hit a bunch of golf balls and the boys hit a few too. Merit and I biked to a yard sale and found some fun things.
 Summer break will be interesting... Merit is used to a busy schedule and he is an active kid! Willem loves to be home. Hazel needs to be home for naps. I think we may have a few challenges, but we are so excited for lazy summer days! And I love having all three kids home.
We will see cousins in Lynden before too long and I know that will be a highlight.
I hope that we can make Father's Day special tomorrow for Vance and make him feel appreciated. Also, I hope any dads reading this will have a HAPPY FATHER's DAY!!

1 comment:

Lesha said...

Wish Vance a happy fathers day from me too. Different schedules, not easy. Looking forward to seeing you. Talk to you soon. Lesha

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