Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby Fever

We have a puppy!! We wondered if my baby fever was real baby fever, or if it were something a puppy could cure. I guess we will find out. :) Also, Rudy is getting up there in years. We got her when we were engaged, she was a six week old puppy, she is now 10 1/2. Rudy has been a good, loyal dog. Our hope is that she can maybe help train a puppy. I am crazy about this new addition, so is Vance and Willem is having fun with her but Merit isn't sold on her yet. In fact, Merit cried himself to sleep last night because he feels so sad for Rudy and he is worried about the day when Rudy will be gone. Rudy is losing her sight and hearing a bit, but she is really doing quite well for being a big, old dog. For now, we will enjoy caring for and loving two black labs.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for having us over yesterday. We always have such a good time being with your family! You new pup is so cute, it was fun to see meet the latest addition!!
Love, Liz

Unknown said...

Awww Merit! What a sweet, empathetic boy he is!


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