Sunday, October 13, 2019

October 13

One hundred emotions today

Ever have days like that?

Hazel yesterday morning:
"Mom, I did not sleep very much last night and my throat really hurts."

But she did not wake me up, not once.
I struggle with sleep. I sometimes tell everyone it is getting better to try to train my brain to think it is. hmmmm
My kids know this and they try REALLY HARD not to wake me up! :-)

Hazel got up in her cute, cozy pjs yesterday morning after telling me about her rough night.
Starting this time of year, I love cozy pjs!
I felt her head, she was hot. She also had a spot on her wrist that looked infected. It was a bug bite or a spider bite she had scratched. I called walk in and the wait was an hour and a half. We went to Urgent Care instead, the wait was an hour. She does not wine or fuss. She read Matilda while in the waiting room. She has strep throat and we need to treat the wound on her wrist.
She got lots of rest today, popsicles too and she is cleared to go to school tomorrow IF she feels well enough.

Oren asked me today "what was your mom's name again?"
I gulped, stood still, my eyes were wet, "Karen" I said.

Merit saw so many pictures of Grandma Karen by the time he was Oren's age he sometimes thought he saw her in town. We would see someone that resembled my mom and Merit would say "look! It looks like your mom."
When he was three we were standing in line at Safeway. His eyes were huge. He pointed to the lady behind us and said "That's yours mom."

I am so much busier now than when I just had Merit. I don't share about my mom like I once did either.

Two of our kids have October birthdays. Merit will be 17 tomorrow! 17! and Hazel will be 10 on the 21st! Double digits! Time is certainly marching on and leaves me with many emotions.

This fall the sickies have entered our house already. Oren and Hazel are fighting things off. Willem and Merit are steering clear of the germs, trying there best anyway. Vance and I are chloroxing and hand washing like nobody's business.

We had two appointments for Merit's back Friday. He is doing everything he is supposed to do. One leg is still longer than the other. The hope is that it isn't, really. And that once things are aligned and everything is working right his legs will be the same length and his lower back won't suffer like it is now. He really wants to remain active.

We hit two pumpkin patches in two days! Yesterday, just Willem, Oren, and I went to the one not far from here. Turner Junction! It was so fun! And we love the Turners. Maddie is in Hazel's class and TJ is in Oren's class!

So many thanksgivings! Pumpkin patches, outdoor fun, watching these siblings interact (I love it), church this morning, and our dear friends from church, October goodness, and birthdays to celebrate.

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Chilly days, good days

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