Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Life on Crab Creek

Yesterday afternoon at 3:00 I was soooo tired. Merit was going to have a few buddies over for dinner and to watch baseball play offs. Oren was and is still under the weather - it's been five days. I was trying to muster up energy. Yesterday evening went well. I got my second wind! Hazel baked and decorated pumpkin cookies, October is here! Oren played and checked in with the big boys in the loft. :-)

The sunshine streaming through the windows this morning is so pretty.

But I just ran out of steam again. A hard boiled egg, my coffee if I can find it and a tall glass of water and we can see if I can be productive! Today is the first day in a LONG time that I don't have anything from 9 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. I am thankful for the sunshine, a quiet house, and no running till after 1.

Warriors play today! They are such a fun team to watch! I love watching Wild Will! 

Since December, we have been seeking care for Merit's lower back. We started with chiropractic. It helped, but there was still stuff going on. We have gone to two different physical therapists. Both good, but the second one seems to be getting more to the root of the problem. I suggested a September of rest. So he shot around but did no scrimmages or games (basketball). We hoped and prayed the rest would heal what was happening.

The physical therapist said no amount of rest could fix what he has going on. Muscle groups over compensating for others - some things sort of stopped working after an injury last December. :-( So, we keep up with the physical therapy, I think it is slowly helping. We wait and we pray. 
Tonight is the first official night of open gym. I hope he can play without it hurting. 

This school year is off to a positive start. Oren is a tired kinder kid but his teacher is fantastic! Hazel is loving 4th grade and Nova! She goes to Nova on Tuesdays. Willem is enjoying being an 8th grader, he keeps me laughing and smiling. He is so smart. Merit is really liking his sign language class, his English class too. 

I am taking senior pics and family pics here there and everywhere and love it! I find I am overbooking my weeks a bit though. Time to slow it down a bit. 


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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...