Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring break is just starting - yay!

Spring Break...
I am not sure this will be a week of fun in the sun, but I certainly hope it is a week of fun.
Merit and Willem have been laughing, pretending and playing ball all day. Dodge ball, basketball, acting silly and running wild. I have giggled while watching them several times today.
Hazel has been a sweet angel. Willem is so good with her! Both boys are and I so appreciate their help.
Vance BBQ'd at the creek today. Yum! Chicken and veggies.

Yesterday while the boys had a fun day out at Grandpa Vic's, Hazel and I had a quiet day at home. I did get some yard work done, but the tumble weeds are everywhere.
Lots of loads like THIS were gathered off our yard, flower beds and fence line.

We've got daffodils blooming, so I brought some inside.

I've been "thriftin" again! Look at these cute pants I got for Hazel Jane. The fringe is very cute. She has been so happy and fun.

I bought a fun, spring outfit for myself at Goodwill.

Will's been fishing and this four year old boy already tells the classic "fish stories" ... He talks
about a fish that he caught at the Ketchikan, AK cabin that was ------------------ big. Merit corrects him
and says it wasn't THAT big... I love Willem's fish stories!

I am working at finding JOY in little things.
This week:
I'll enjoy my family.
I'll play basketball with Merit -- he is so into the final four too.
I will appreciate the present.
I will write letters.
We'll hit DQ for lunch one day.
I'll take "prayer walks" and especially remember Natasha, Reese and Lane.
We want to go to some fun parks, rent a couple of movies and PLAY.
I'll be back!


Mindy K said...

Hey sister,
You are sounding healthy for the kids. Little things matter so much. Life is too hard. Keep on keeping on. Love you.

Ed / Julie said...

Your spring break plans sound perfect. I pray it is a BLESSED time for you all and that God grants you strength from it. Our spring break is next week. SO looking forward to it!

Tami said...

Great finds thrifting....adorable pants on little miss Hazel! Willems stories sound so cute!

Have a beautiful week!

Natasha said...

Love the pants for Hazel!! The goodwill outfit for you adorable! Enjoy those kids during springbreak. Seems like we're having a never ending springbreak around here :) It's fun having him home though.

Katie said...

Such a CUTE Goodwill outfit!!!! Great Bargain!!

One week til spring break for us, can't wait!

Enjoy your week in JOY! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love those pants you got Hazel! So cute! Your outfit is so cute! I hope you guys have a wonderful spring break!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...