Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Random thoughts from a random girl

Vance is off to work. The boys are asleep and I have time to sit and reflect. After Vance had five days of vacation (Mexico and Arizona, yeah I am a little jealous) he got thrown back into work early yesterday morning. One of the drivers was in a roll over accident in Othello. So, he headed out to Othello first thing in the am to check the scene (the driver was fine thankfully and he was the only vehicle involved). And then back out in the afternoon to survey things again. Also, he had a pile of this and that to catch up on from being away so yes, he was thrown in.
Merit went to the dentist yesterday and he has his first cavity, he was really bummed. I felt so bad for him.
Willem had a big fit in WalMart after we dropped Merit off at kindergarten -- the kind where you just turn around and walk out the door! Thankfully, I was only there for four items and he was begging for a Superbowl party pack, the price - $19.98! The fit was loud and ugly and I was running out of energy, so I parked the empty cart and out the door we went. Him hollering "WHERE are we going???" Made me giggle a little. My answer of course was "home, because you are crying and not acting nice."
I had scheduled a massage therapy appt for yesterday afternoon 4:30 but tried to cancel first thing in the morning. I had minor childcare issues. Also, I thought it might be better to just be home in the afternoon, cook a nice dinner etc. I called them right when they opened and asked the chiropractor's office to TRY to fill the spot but if they couldn't to call me back and I would take it -- I felt bad not giving them 24 hours notice. ANYWAY, they couldn't fill it. I gotta tell you, by 4:30 yesterday afternoon I was sooo glad to have that appt ~~ This massage therapist is wonderful and I had so much tightness in my jaw and head. But, what made me sort of laugh at myself is the fact that while I am on the massage table in a quiet warm room with soothing music playing, I am thinking about bills and what I am going to cook for dinner this week. !
My mind is spinning a little. I have one last college course that needs my attention and another two or three to register for this week. My vacuum is on the fritz, our garage door works about 60 percent of the time... didn't you like it better when I posted about cute cards I was making or hoped to make!?
I am feeling sooo much better this morning. It is a NEW day! And last night I came home to a yummy taco salad. Vance handled dinner. Merit was working on homework and Willem had had a much needed nap.
And this week I will continue to say NO to Superbowl party packs!
We will all brush and floss like we are in a competition.
I will haul my dustbuster out.
I will only open the garage door if it is an emergency. :)
And when I go for massage therapy in three weeks I WON'T think about bills or dinner.
And when I begin to fret, I must PRAY. God will take that worry away.


April said...

Hi Michele,
Glad you were able to get some things off your chest and mind today...that's what we're here for! Just to listen, understand, and support one another's journey on this road called LIFE.

A massage...now, THAT'S something I definitely could use! As far as worrying...one of my favorite sayings is, "Let go and let God." Have a terrific, worry-free Tuesday!

Worsham Family said...

Its good to get this stuff off your chest and it will be fun to read in 20 years. Way to go on the great parenting skills!!! Its really hard to actually walk out of the store even though I bet Willem learned a lesson. I am just laughing at what he wanted so bad...not cars or toys but a super bowl party pack :) Have a great rest of the week! Love Shelli

Daphine said...

I loved reading about your randon thoughts girl. It's nice that someone else likes to ramble as well. I just need to start posting mine more. lol! Glad you enjoyed your massage yesterday.

Happy Tuesday!

Caryn said...

Oh Michele. What a day you had! So glad it ended with a massage. :) You've got to love those Wal-mart fits. We've all been there.
I was thinking today about how much I miss you in Bible Study. Any chance of coming back?

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! What a day! I definitely think you needed that massage. I hope your week gets better.

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I read that about Willem because I've been there too! Just think what great leaders our strong little boys will be one day! Plus now he knows that is not the way to get what he wants! You go girl!

God was definitely on your side too--He made sure that massage stayed in the schedule!

I've found that the blog is like my diary. I'll be having a great day, but once I start typing, it's like all the stuff in the back of my mind comes out. Then I look back on it later, and it doesn't seem so overwhelming!

Jessica said...

Geesh! You really needed that massage. Hope you had a very worry/stress free day. Love you!

Amy said...

What a great outlook Michele!! It's really all you can do...but it's the best thing!! Let Go and Let God!! Have a great week!

Natasha said...

Gotta love having toddlers! Now that mine is getting out of that stage, here comes another one to do it all over again :) Good for you stickin' to your guns and venting a little, we all need to do that. Glad to hear you had a better day on Tuesday too!

Sharon said...

Wow things have been really hectic for you! It's always nice to write it out isn't it?

I do the bill thoughts when I'm trying to sleep at night, so I figure if I were getting a massage, I'd do the same thing you did.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

You are a good mom! Leaving the party pack and not caving into the fits-hard but worth it in the long run...Lucky you to have a massage-I probably would be thinking about the same things!

Maria said...

Michele, I think its so admirable of you to share your hard days as well as the fun (cute card, cute find) kind of days. We can all relate as mothers. So glad you shared. Now we all feel human again:)

Mama Ohs said...

Michele I LOVE you honesty! I love that you were comfortable enough to be HUMAN! You are such a gem and I value you and your family so much. Hope you have a relaxing day tomorrow! :)

Lesha said...

Ups and downs. Good to blog about it and get if off your chest. I hope your back and neck are like jello until your next massage appointment. ( I know, that is probably very wishful thinking.) Way to walk away at the store. Sounds like Willem likes those party packs a little too much. ; )

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...