Saturday, March 27, 2010

Weekend Update, Jansen kids

This is a day of yard work, baking and maybe card making... between Hazel snuggles. The guys are at Grandpa Vic's.
Our yard... tumble weeds everywhere and rose bushes that need to be cut back. Weeds too. I told myself I cannot be bothered by letting a lot of that go this spring and summer. When again am I going to have a darling baby girl to look after?? So today, I will plug away at it  and just make a dent.  I baked a yummy, strawberry chocolate, somewhat healthy dessert. I baked it at 11 o'clock this morning and plan to munch on it all day!
Also, this is the start of SPRING BREAK! I am excited to have Merit home next week! Will also has the week off from preschool!


Jessica said...

Have a great day today! It is such a beautiful day. Very cute pics of the kids..Hazel is gorgeous.

Tami said...

Your kids are such cuties. Enjoy your week with everyone at home.

the story of my life... said...

Your kids are so CUTE! The header picture of Hazel is darling!

just a mom with a camera said...

hazel is getting so big, and she is so cute!!! the picture on your header is adorable.

Unknown said...

Your kids are so cute.....what a nice looking family!!! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today...or I guess it was yesterday. LOL

Lesha said...

I hope the kids have a fun spring break and don't fight too much! Wish I could just pop on over. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! Love the pictures!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...