Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Weekend

I have LOTS of pictures I want to share from our weekend in Lynden.
It was so good to see brothers and sisters!! Our boys had sooo much fun with cousins. They have cousins close in age on my side and on Vance's side and seeing them over the weekend was a highlight. Our boys were lucky enough to be in town for Emily and Luke's 7th Birthday Party!
Mason and Amanda's reception was fun!
I was able to get a little photo shoot of Lesha and her fun family! They are so cute!
I loved my time visiting with Natasha and family.


Lane and Natasha

Hazel, Lesha, Lane, Natasha and Matt

Natasha and Hazel

Me and Natasha

My brother Phil on the dance floor!

Matt, Hazel and Reese

Luke and Merit -- BUDDIES

Kids, chaos, fun

My sister Lesha and her beautiful Family



Alisa said...

Great PIctures! Thanks for sharing those! You can tell your time together was wonderful.:)

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family, Michele! Looks like y'all had a great visit.

Blessed Beyond Measure-The Hollemans said...

Your entire family is beautiful inside and out. Love the photo at the top of the blog of Hazel. She is adorable :)

Robin Beck said...

You have such a beautiful family!
I'm so glad you all got a chance to get together again.
Natasha looks wonderful-This is good to see-I can see God's love in her eyes~♥

the story of my life... said...

Thanks for sharing!! I am so happy to be reading blogs again!!

the story of my life... said...

Thanks for sharing!! I am so happy to be reading blogs again!!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...