Sunday, March 1, 2020

Old showers, basketball, I am feeling extra random today

Oren and Hazel are hunkering down and reading right now. Hazel is reading some darling chapter book about a girl and a horse. Oren has many interests when it comes to books.

I walked into the downstairs bathroom today, the sun brightly shining in... and I glanced in the shower - the caulking along the bottom has always had a rust/mildew problem but yikes. It looked bad! CLR and a toothbrush is what I attacked it with, but with little result. So I googled how to clean stained caulking. I saw a you tube video where the woman soaked cotton balls in bleach, set them on the caulk and left them for three hours!

Wish me luck

yesterday morning started with Hazel baking chocolate chip cookies
cake like but delicious! 

Cousin support at Wild Will's game!!
and Baer

sibling support too

What a terrific day of basketball and travel yesterday! 

Today Will is playing in Thorp and Easton.
We are cheering him on from home. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...