Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday Morning

The bleach soaked cotton ball worked pretty well!! See previous post!

I am laughing though! Because I was all natural when it came to laundry and cleaning supplies three years ago!
I bought the H2O laundry ball and beads. You "charge" it in the sunlight!! No detergent! It is supposed to help the fibers of your clothing last longer too and many people find good results.
Well, I thought I really liked it until Vance asked "why does this shirt stink?"
And "oh, I think you forgot to wash this."
I do really like H2O, Norwex too! Especially their cleaning cloths! But the laundry ball just wasn't for us.
I also made my own cleaner with vinegar and orange peel.
How strange that yesterday our whole house smelled of bleach!!

Oh this six year old!
I know soon he will have a loose tooth and his entire smile will change.
For now, I soak up the little boy grin.
And how fun he is!!

 Yesterday's army guy treasure hunt was a hit.

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