Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Life along Crab Creek

The sky today! It is just incredibly beautiful. 
Hazel is doing some cool art thing every day. 
Today it was shaving cream and food coloring...
She asked for a big pan. 
I found a big throw away aluminum pan. 
She went wild. 
I walked into her room and the Dollar Store plastic table cloth I purchased some time ago was draped over her cute little desk. She used a lot of food coloring and possibly the whole can of shaving cream! She worked and created. She was in pj pants with her little eye patch on. I was bursting with something... thanksgiving or the ability to finally pay closer attention to the details. I don't know. But it was a good kind of bursting.
Pajama pants are the thing around here. Have you worn them two days or three? Well, nobody really asks.

We have treasure hunts and we eat a lot. The kids play rock, paper, scissors to determine who will do the next job around here. 
We are thankful for stretchy pants, online grocery orders, a good report at the doc today, and kids who love each other. I thought my siblings and I got along so well because we lost our mom at a crucial time, and that may be why we do. But these kids - somehow they know life is short. 
And, for some reason they care about my sanity. 


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Chilly days, good days

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