Sunday, March 29, 2020


For about five days during Christmas break we had nothing, no schedule, no obligations, no appointments. I slept better and felt better than I had in three years. 

This quarantine. It isn't all peachy, because we are concerned about the virus and we miss our school and activities, but there is good too. 

This at home time includes problem solving and working together among siblings, cooking and baking, preparing the garden, playing card games, schooling at home, diving into books that have been on the shelf for years - it is good, and the ability to slow down, it is really good. 

We were over booked. 

I type this carefully - because this is heavy stuff. 
A family member passed away yesterday do to COVID 19. That is hard. 

Seeing the cases grow in our county, that is hard.

Knowing some people get REALLY sick and some die, that is so very difficult to digest. 

Some people are not taking this seriously. You can't have your niece, grandson, or son's girlfriend visit if that person has been around five different people over the past few days. The longer we do not take this seriously, the longer it lasts....

Marriages will grow and they will struggle. 

Children will make so many memories with their siblings than they otherwise would have, but there will be bumpy days too. 

Anxiety can creep in, fear can too - but spending these days loving and encouraging, it is good -so very good. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...