Sunday, March 29, 2020


For about five days during Christmas break we had nothing, no schedule, no obligations, no appointments. I slept better and felt better than I had in three years. 

This quarantine. It isn't all peachy, because we are concerned about the virus and we miss our school and activities, but there is good too. 

This at home time includes problem solving and working together among siblings, cooking and baking, preparing the garden, playing card games, schooling at home, diving into books that have been on the shelf for years - it is good, and the ability to slow down, it is really good. 

We were over booked. 

I type this carefully - because this is heavy stuff. 
A family member passed away yesterday do to COVID 19. That is hard. 

Seeing the cases grow in our county, that is hard.

Knowing some people get REALLY sick and some die, that is so very difficult to digest. 

Some people are not taking this seriously. You can't have your niece, grandson, or son's girlfriend visit if that person has been around five different people over the past few days. The longer we do not take this seriously, the longer it lasts....

Marriages will grow and they will struggle. 

Children will make so many memories with their siblings than they otherwise would have, but there will be bumpy days too. 

Anxiety can creep in, fear can too - but spending these days loving and encouraging, it is good -so very good. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

At home

Basketball is SO fun! But we have an even greater love for baseball.

The season is delayed, but they work at getting better.

 The ducklings needed new shavings. That was the perfect evening job for Oren Paul.

Sam and Daisy

Friday, March 27, 2020

Trips down memory lane...

On and around March 25th, I allow myself many trips down memory lane. March 25 was the date my mom and my grandpa Ken (her father) were called to heaven, just a few years apart.

They both provided wonderful examples of how to live.

My mom did not grow up in the country, but she learned "farm life" on H Street Rd. My parents raised heifers. My dad will bring a bull in and have them bred. Calves in the spring were a highlight. My mom pulled a few calves in those years. I remember my Grandpa Ken driving up to the house a week or so after our mom passed away. A calf had just been born. We talked about how much my mom loved a new baby calf, that new life.

A couple of weeks before my mom passed away, she told our sister Lesha she was excited to make pillows for the front porch. My parents have a neat, big covered porch. My mom's pots and hanging baskets always looked beautiful! She wanted to make pillows for that bench the spring she passed away. She did not know she will be called to heaven so soon.

 I have had a lot of time to remember this March, with life being much different.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Life along Crab Creek

The sky today! It is just incredibly beautiful. 
Hazel is doing some cool art thing every day. 
Today it was shaving cream and food coloring...
She asked for a big pan. 
I found a big throw away aluminum pan. 
She went wild. 
I walked into her room and the Dollar Store plastic table cloth I purchased some time ago was draped over her cute little desk. She used a lot of food coloring and possibly the whole can of shaving cream! She worked and created. She was in pj pants with her little eye patch on. I was bursting with something... thanksgiving or the ability to finally pay closer attention to the details. I don't know. But it was a good kind of bursting.
Pajama pants are the thing around here. Have you worn them two days or three? Well, nobody really asks.

We have treasure hunts and we eat a lot. The kids play rock, paper, scissors to determine who will do the next job around here. 
We are thankful for stretchy pants, online grocery orders, a good report at the doc today, and kids who love each other. I thought my siblings and I got along so well because we lost our mom at a crucial time, and that may be why we do. But these kids - somehow they know life is short. 
And, for some reason they care about my sanity. 


Monday, March 23, 2020

Thanksgivings and concerns

I will start with ten thanksgivings.

1) God's word
2) The sunshine
3) The kids' attitudes
4) Willem's stomach has been much better the past two and a half weeks
5) Sam and Daisy 
6) Music
7) Our health care people
8) Crab Creek
9) The warmth and comfort of our home
10) Groceries

I am concerned right now that our kids may not go back to school this school year. I am praying this is not the case. I am praying that by the second week of April we see that all of this staying home helped and that we will begin to see a decrease in cases.
I understand it likely won't peak for a week or more.
There are many, many concerns.

 Sam and Daisy are loving life.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The word of God is living and active...

Sometimes when we get very comfortable, we can become selfish.
We don't always seek God. 
We may think we have more control than we do. 
When war, or illness, or discomfort falls upon us, we see the need to seek HIM.
I hope that we all know that the word of God is there for us in hard times and in comfortable times. 
And our thoughts and our intentions will be BETTER because of seeking the Lord during this time of discomfort.
The word of God is living and active...discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 
Hebrews 4:11

During our live stream sermon today, our pastor shared this - which I love! - 
Prayer is where burdens are lifted and they change shoulders. 

Your faith is growing more and more, and the love that every one of you has for each other is increasing. 2 Thessalonians 1:3

Friday, March 20, 2020

Therapy Ducks

 Meet Sam and Daisy
I cleaned the coop Wednesday, preparing for about 4 chicks. I shoveled poop, swept, put new nesting material down and then on the "people side" of the coop, we had it all set up for babies.
I told the kids I would go get them yesterday.
But we have been home so much and have felt very comfortable just being HOME. So, I just could not quite make the move yesterday.
This afternoon I knew it was time. Hazel, Oren, and I drove to North 40. But sadly, they were out of chicks!
So, meet Sam and Daisy Duck.
 They sure make me smile!!
Whether they know it or not, they are "therapy ducks" :-) 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


 We hid military men and shamrocks today the kids hunted for them. The fresh air and sunshine was so good for the soul.
My little brother Phillip's birthday is today! 
A Saint Patty's birthday! 

Cheers to 2025!

 Life is cruising right along.  Through 2024 I realized I was following behind in the technology world. There seemed to be no way for to ade...