Friday, May 31, 2019

The last DAY in MAY

Last night I went to a home of a senior girl, friends from church, I left a little something on their front porch bench and I "felt" the anticipation, excitement, sadness, and goodness of graduation.
Today I visited two homes of senior boys. I got to hug their moms and chat a bit. People are preparing for grandparents to come to town, they are getting food ready for the parties... they are preparing to CELEBRATE their child, their graduate.
It is the really good stuff and the hard stuff wrapped in one.

These kids leaving the nest looks hard. Their graduating and making plans for the future looks like something fantastic to celebrate.

This week has moved very quickly with several commitments each day. The quiet moments of respite are so valuable, coming every few days for a short time, reminding me to breathe. I have not exercised once this week. I do NOT like weeks like that. But I have so enjoyed subbing (twice in third once in 5th!), I have run Willem to baseball practice and went to Merit's Honor Society Banquet. I have enjoyed the kitten we are fostering, I have baked probably 70 cupcakes, several quiche and banana bread today (well, that was mostly Hazel.)
Oren had two doctors appointments and an ultrasound this week. Between appts, keeping myself  busy felt sort of therapeutic. He had leg pain for four-five nights that really disrupted his sleep. We discovered a lump on the back of his right knee. The first doc was not sure what it was, his pediatrician thought it was a Baker's cyst and today it was confirmed it is a Baker's cyst. He also has a small one on the back of his left knee, visible only on ultrasound. He has slept better as of late (I am so thankful!) I am so thankful this is not something more serious (answered prayers) and I hope they do not disrupt his sleep. They should resolve themselves on their own, over time.

Black Bottom Cupcakes

 spring blooms
 cabin cozy

 glamour shot
These are a few of our favorite things...


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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...