Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A little Wednesday Update

Subbing this week, I once again was amazed at what a group of elementary kids can teach me.
I passed out a flyer at the end of the day, the flyer was advertising a sports camp to be held this summer. I handed it to a little boy along with his homework and field trip permission slip. "I don't need the flyer" he said, "my parents can't afford it, it costs too much money."
His parents work.
Times can be tight.
He gets free breakfast and lunch. 
Those meals will be missed this summer. 
Will my kids ever know how lucky they are to attend the sports camps, if they want to attend the sports camps? 
And I call it lucky because I am at loss for another word... I don't know if I can use the word blessed. Although, we certainly are blessed. But God wants to bless the kid whose parents can't afford a sports camp just as much as He wants to bless mine.
We work on finding little ways to reach out to these kids. I love our community.

We had a heck of a weekend! Our baseball team, state champs!! I cried so many times at the semi final game and championship game. I am laughing as I type this. I see Evan pitching this GEM and and I look over at his mom and tear up. I see proud parents, nervous parents, parents who have raised terrific kids and I want to thank every single one of them. I want to thank the parents of the seniors for what the seniors are teaching my son. I can make a small excuse for my many emotions in the stands at baseball :-) Oren had (has) a lump on the back of his knee that is causing him a lot of pain at night. After four or five nights of interrupted sleep I had that fog one has with a newborn and the emotions to go along with it. Not knowing what the lump was made me scared. But God calmed my emotions so many times. WHAT does WORRY solve? Nothing.
His lump is most likely a Baker's cyst. This cyst is commonly not serious in children.
An ultrasound on Friday will hopefully confirm this. 
We were so thankful for the good news yesterday! And for praying friends! 

Funny story:
Whenever I consider giving a toy away, my kids tell me I shouldn't because Ingrid likes to play with it. Ingrid is Tasha and Reese's youngest. My recent possible give away (because our house is SO full!) is a doll house that is not getting played with. Oren tells me "you can't give that away! Ingy loves it!" 

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Chilly days, good days

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