Monday, June 3, 2019

June is a favorite!

 Green Lake was GORGEOUS today!
The perfect weather in Seattle! 
It was fun.

Eating peanut butter with their fingers! Fighting, laughing and running wild.
Memories in the making.

Willem was in Yakima. He joined the Gunners for a tournament and had a blast! He hit a walk off to win the game Saturday night.

Reminded, once again that it takes a village!
Leo took Merit to Tacoma Friday. (I did not have to fight Friday afternoon traffic, hurray) It was so kind of him to take Merit, Royce, and his son Leo. They stayed in a hotel together, had pizza, had fun!
Danny Stuart took Will and his son Jayce to Yakima Sat. morning. They left at 6:30 a.m. I headed to the west side with the little ones. Sunday Vance went to Yakima, got to see these Gunners play! And took Jayce and Willem back to Moses Lake.
All home by 7 p.m. last night and exhausted and then Monday morning came quick! It is a beautiful day!! Oren has a buddy coming over soon and the guys are out working on our deck. I have a mountain of laundry and mango tea on ice.
June is my favorite, well one of my favorites.

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Chilly days, good days

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