Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Oh the gaggle

I am part of this gaggle of girls.
They laugh and cry. They are real and honest.
They're moms.
The encouraging doesn't stop.

We are not in competition. We are not judging each other. We encourage, we pray, we all make mistakes and we help pick each other up.

Today I asked two from the "gaggle" to join me to visit a new espresso stand in town owned by the famous Heather Mason. (Her coffee is delicious!) Well, I read info wrong and took my friends on a wild goose chase. Our search for coffee became an actual search for coffee, on foot.

Through the walking and talking with three little boys along for the ride, I was reminded of the importance of adventure. Even the silly ones. I was reminded how conversations with women are really necessary and I was SO thankful for my friends.

A father, only 38 years old, passed away last week. A husband and father of four.... his passing leaves a big void. Willem and his second son are good buddies. They have played travel baseball and travel basketball together.
 I shared the request to pray with the gaggle of girls. We soon learned that our kids knew their kids, there were many connections and intertwining. Meanwhile, one of the dear girls in our group is in Wenatchee, recently having said goodbye to her father in law. She told me people are generously dropping off so much food as they take the time to express their sympathy. I told her I wanted to help the mourning mom of four someway. She suggested paper plates, paper bowls, cereal, easy snack stuff.
I then mentioned this suggestion to another gal in our circle. She handed me cash and said "I want to pitch in!" It would have taken me three weeks to go get the paper plates, bowls, cereal, easy snacks etc. But she inspired me to make it happen!
As I approached Megan's front steps tonight, I felt my eyes stinging, alligator tears forming ... Willem's buddy answered and just seeing his face made his loss more real to me.
Earlier this year, a second grade girl from Longview passed away. Tonight, Marie - one in this gaggle - shared a dinner with their family. She met the mom through their sons' baseball.
It made me think of all the food people brought when my mom died. A houseful of people, two teenage boys - just like this family - mourning, grieving, taking it day by day moment by moment.
The way people reach out and show they care, the greatness in community - it is pretty remarkable.

Grateful for the gaggle. 
Praying for those whose hearts ache. 

Marilyn's greenhouse - such a place to be calmed and refreshed

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