Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thankful for these Blessings

Hazel is a jumping bean and loving every second of it!

Willem is the outdoor kid... chasing butterflies and rock climbing are two of his favorites!
Will and his sweet friend Addi
Merit!! I love this toothless grin! He is reading like CRAZY! He is great at soccer and basketball.
Sweet Hazel and Vance
Uncle Matt visits
Sweetie in pink
Crab Creek
I am smiling as I pull up these pictures and feel thankful for these blessings.
The past couple of days I have felt sort of lonely and have been so aware of some of the
sadness of this world. We will go to Lynden for Vance's aunt Mary's funeral. I feel
sad when I talk to Natasha and hear the longing in her voice for easier days and for that sweet baby Case. But I also feel inspired when I talk with her. Thankful for her FAITH and her strength.
Merit wants to play a quick game of basketball while we still have some daylight.
Hug those close to you and be kind to all... there are so many struggles, but we are
all capable of making someone elses day a bit brighter.


Robin Beck said...

Hi Michele,

I can't believe how fast it seems kids grow! Hazel looks so happy in her jumper as the boys do outdoors!

I used to live in Edwall-We had a Crab Creek over there-I wonder now if it's not the same as your crab creek. Legend has it there is a huge trout in there named Willard-Well, I'm here to tell you, years ago I caught Willard-It's true, I have witnesses-:) I did however not have the heart to keep the old guy♥
Everytime I see Crab Creek on your blog it brings back good memories.

Keep on keeping on! It's okay to grieve just don't let Satan use it as one of his tools to take you down (I speak from experience here.)
God Bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the kids! I hope you had a safe trip to Lynden.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...