Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter Friends

This thing called LIFE.
This morning, I was burning tumble weeds and Will decided he would help me empty the remainder of my clippings and tumble weeds onto our burn pit. He sort of left the wheel barrow half in the pit and then ran to the house with me so we could check on Hazel. Meanwhile, it caught fire... it was scary... the wind had picked up... anyway, I am so thankful no one was injured and I think we all learned some lessons. ugh.
Vance's Aunt Mary passed away suddenly yesterday morning. What a sweet, fun lady she was!! She leaves behind a son, a daughter and a son in law and two sweet grandbabies ages 4 and 2. She will be missed by many. I am sad also that Vance's mom doesn't have her sweet sister Mary anymore.
Spring Break is almost over. It was good. I truly enjoyed having a more relaxed schedule and appreciated the time with these three kids at home, but the weather wasn't real nice so we didn't get as much outdoor time as I would have liked. Our boys fought quite a bit -- yikes! And then the news of Vance's aunt yesterday just sort of got us all feeling down again.
There were some highlights to our week, thankfully. Merit and I played lots and lots of basketball and he is getting good!
We enjoyed lunch out a couple of days. Merit and Will went to see a movie with their aunts Carly and Kelcy and Gramma Kris. We had a FUN Easter Egg Hunt here this morning! It was cold and windy but a good time! Sweet Hazel napped during the whole hunt. I was glad because it was really too cold for her outside. Now my brother Matt is here. And Easter is tomorrow. What a blessed holiday! And a reason to rejoice!!

Friends! So thankful for them!
 a sweet Easter blessing... Hazel Jane



-stephanie- said...

Happy Easter to you too.
Thanks for stopping in to my blog.
Your children are gorgeous! Love their names. :o)

Love the Decor! said...

Sorry to hear about your hubby's aunt... it is always hard to lose a loved one...
Your photos are wonderful. Looks like a great day with the Easter egg hunt
Happy Easter to you and your sweet little family!

Lesha said...

It looks like it was a fun egg hunt. Cute pictures of Hazel too, what a great idea to have the eggs on the picture. I bet she loved grabbing at them too.

Thinking of you and Mary's whole family.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your husband's aunt! Praying for you guys!

Great pictures! I love the ones of Hazel!

Blessed Beyond Measure-The Hollemans said...

Very cute pics and I love the idea of the easter eggs in the photos with Hazel!

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful and blessed to have you and your beautiful family as friends!!! Much love!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What cute pictures!

I am sorry to hear that Vance lost his aunt. So sad.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...