Friday, April 16, 2010

Merit, Willem and Hazel Jane

Vance and the boys camped down at the cabin last weekend. Early Sunday morning, Hazel and I went down to greet them. I knew Willem's morning wouldn't start off quite right without Hazel snuggles. He adores her. He is always holding her hand or kissing her hand and he talks "baby talk" to her in a voice I love. The affection for this baby girl from her older brothers has been so sweet. Merit is protective of her, Willem is never far from her. We are blessed.
Each day when Merit comes home from school, we play ball. During March Madness it was basketball. Now we are back to football again, probably Merit's favorite. I love spending time with Merit after school. Willem sometimes plays along or is occasionally "the coach" otherwise he is riding his bike. :) Hazel naps or watches from her stroller :)
I am anxious to see my boys faces when they see their cousin Lane. They are
very excited to see him! And I will enjoy watching these kids at


Tami said...

Disneyland is the happiest place on earth! Really. I hope you all have a great time. Lots of good memories you'll be making with those sweet kiddos!
And the time with family will be good too for so many reasons.

Maria said...

Sounds like fun! Hope you have a great time on your little vacation. Love these pics of Hazel and Willem.

Anonymous said...

What sweet pictures!

Blessed Beyond Measure-The Hollemans said...

I love the photo of your 3 kids with the sunglasses! It is so stinkin cute :)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...