Monday, April 26, 2010

Sharing more of our California Trip

Willem has been in kind of a mood... typically this boy is such a delight. Willem is a much easier to get along with four year old than he was a three year old :) I think he is coming down off of a fast paced, very fun vacation. I am sure a part of him wants to go back! I know I do!
Hazel is rockin the house with her smiles, giggles and sweetness. Vance wonders if she ever tires of people "getting in her face" -- we are often smooching her, cuddling her and trying to get her to giggle.
Merit is doing great in school and had a really good attitude about going back after our California vacation.
We got his report card today and are so proud of him.

California Adventures is so fun!
Merit and Will enjoyed a close look at Mator and McQueen!
Vance and Merit LOVED the big California Screamin' Roller Coaster too!Me, Goofy and Natasha

Our group --------- It was a joy to be able to see the sights with Natasha, Reese and Lane - thanks guys!
Splash Mountain!
Lane and Merit were crazy about this one!

Hazel rode around in the stroller all day and gave us smiles from her comfy seat. This baby girl warms my heart.
Lane, Willem and Merit

Vance and Will - not sure who the little lady on the left is


Leah said...

Hi Michele - I'm friends with Natasha down in San Diego and came across your blog. Wonderful pictures from your trip here. You and Natasha are so lucky to have each other, Lesha too. There's nothing like a sister! Those kiddos of yours are a bunch of cuties too!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Michele! It looks like everyone had such a good time!

Daphine said...

LOVED looking at the pictures of your vacation. What great memories!!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...