Thursday, January 1, 2009

What We Have Been Up To

What we have been up to:
Sledding fun
Merit is totally geared up (thanks to Shelli's son JC)
Willem doesn't have snow boots and he is wearing his pajama pants on the photo below -time to get him the gear!
We enjoyed a wonderful visit from Natasha, Reese and Lane!
Sisters are a wonderful blessing
Vance's work is CRAZY
after several during the night phone calls from drivers that were running out of drive hours or had gotten "hung up" we all awoke half rested - feeling bad for all of the truck drivers forced to brave these conditions
at 9:30 this morning all three mountain passes were closed and there were a number of drivers stuck on the west side
We made a big ham yesterday and enjoyed it with Natasha's family
I can hardly wait for split pea and ham soup - I am making it tomorrow
We had a fun Wii tournament with Natasha and Reese! Lots of laughs
I am so thankful for the love and prayers shown by my friends and family!


Shell in your Pocket said...

What sweet pictures!

Happy New Year to you..wishing you much love and joy this 2009!
-sandy toes

Daphine said...

Oh goodness! These pictures are great and the snow is so beautiful! I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your sisters. I agree. Sisters are a wonderful blessing!

Happy New Year!

Tami said...

Looks like such fun!

So sorry that you did not win the giveaway....I so wish that I had one to give everyone!

gina said...

wow it is really beautiful where you live. looks like your family loves the great outdoors and gets the best of both worlds snow and sun. My husband and I are born and raised here in sunny Sarasota, Fl.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Edie said...

Happy New Year to you too Michele! What GREAT snow pictures! Just love 'em. :)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love these! I wish we got snow :-)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...