Sunday, January 11, 2009

Simply Fun, some of the goofy and great from 2008

Will and Vance, Halibut Cove
Garden fun, Will and Michele

Merit, slip and sliding!

Our family at the dunes

The trucks seem to go faster if you aren't clothed! :)

Willem, blonde hair, bubbles and a smile I adore

rock band at gramma and papa's!


Mitchell and Molly

Merit and Alivia... more water fun!!

Elijah's "camp out" birthday party

Tire swing fun with Grandpa Jim

Liz and Michele

Lane and Merit!


Brooke, Molly and Merit, more water fun in the backyard

Isabel giving Merit a pedicure in Ketchikan, AK

Neighbors and fun

Merit, our fish

Merit, Mackenzie and Willem

Merit Henry

Emma, Molly and Merit

Kaden, Merit and Shawn...Vance giving them a ride of their lives

Some of the goofy and great from 2008!!


Daphine said...

I love all of these FUN pictures, especially the ones of Merit. He is such a cutie!

Have a great week!

Jessica said...

Haha..I had to laugh at Emma's hair in the's so cute though.

Katie said...

Fun pictures, Michele. Man, I really can't wait for summer! Your boys are just so cute :) I think our boys would really hit it off, we'll have to get them together this spring!

~The White family~ said...

I love that first photo of Will being thrown up in the air!!! I need to capture one of those with Brandon and Brady! I look forward to getting to know you better in 2009! Thanks for such great pictures you took of my family!

Kimberly said...

Great pictures! I love the little blondie with the bubble...he deserves a hug just for being adorable!

Blessings, Kimberly

theSNAPsisters said...

Hi-Nice to finally meet Lissa's friend!
Your photos are fun and I love photography too!
Isn't it a blessing!
Beautiful blog- I will check back again.
Thanks for the comment

Maria said...

such great pics! I love how you capture the fun moments...sometimes I forget about even taking pictures.

Shelly said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment, come on over anytime ;)
Your photos are great, and those kids are soooo cute!
I read your profile and lol...I love the thrift store too, stop back in a few days...I have a little story about my latest piece of "junk"...hehehe.

~The White family~ said...

Just wondering if you got the CD of the pictures I put in your folder?

Edie said...

Hi Michelle! I love your photos!! I had to LOL several times at how cute and funny they are. Love that rock band and *fast trucks*! LOL!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments. Enjoy the rest of your week!

just a mom with a camera said...

michele, your kids are so cute! and your pictures are great.......jami

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...