Saturday, December 27, 2008

Beauty Surrounds Us

I truly love where we live. We are blessed with warm summers and sunshine galore and in the winter we get to enjoy this beautiful white stuff and cold temperatures making us appreciate the cozy indoors. We have four distinct seasons in Moses Lake and for this I am so grateful.
So although I am surrounded by beauty, I feel for all of these truck drivers battling these winter road conditions. The mountain passes, Snoqualmie, White and Stevens have been hit with some wild weather and the pass closures are really affecting the Milky Way drivers. Vance is very busy with work and the boys are really missing him...but we are often hit with these challenges this time of year and know that winter doesn't last forever.


Jessica said...

Beautiful pictures, Michele. Hope and pray that Vance's work lets up soon. So sorry that you have missed your family get togethers. If you are still here next week, let's get together for some coffee, a movie or something.

Anonymous said...

These are absolutely gorgeous!

Katie said...

I love your much as I dislike the cold, it truly is a beautiful season and you've captured this perfectly! I totally agree that we are so lucky to live in such a diverse area. God's country...

Elaina said...

Love the pictures but I sure hope most of the snow is gone when we get to Washington in a couple of weeks!I will frezze!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...