Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday evening

 The weekend was good and then so quickly Monday is here. 

I can't really find a good book, not much interests me. Which is sort of a new development, just the last 18 months.  Natasha and I often have similar taste in reading so she just passed one onto me. I hope I like it. 

It was so fun spending a chunk of time outside today with Bootstraps and the goats.... the temps so comfortable. Those little weed eaters ate all around our pond. 

I realized how we can't really manage the shop and our house.  We sort of live in both places. Maybe in the summer we have more time and energy to manage both - we are home more too - and when the days are long and warm the travel back and forth is fairly simple. 

Hazel requested dinner at the house, Oren hollered in agreement. We cook at the shop because the space is great and the oven works better. But we can find our way back at the house too. 

I am back to writing some letters, finally! A passion of mine but I took a long break. 

Our runners and our mallard

Cheers to the new week! 

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Chilly days, good days

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