Saturday, May 14, 2022

Update on Tasha May

 This blog post has taken five attempts. 

First off some very fun news; OUR MOSES LAKE CHIEFS are DISTRICT CHAMPS! These guys are the real deal! 

A couple of weeks back, my sis Tasha woke up with abdominal pain. I talked with her on the phone. She wondered if she should go to walk in. 

Her docs told her to go to ER not walk in, so our sister Lesha drove her there. She had appendicitis, but they needed to get her to Seattle so that the surgery could take place under the watch of her transplant team.

She has had so many hospital stays, so many bumps in the road. 

I whispered Lord have Mercy. 

While at the Bellingham ER, she had a roommate who had overdosed that morning - on his way to rehab -

His girlfriend was taking him to rehab. She stopped at Target to get him some things for his stay. He said he would stay in the car. He did not, he found a fix there and was found unconscious. 

He became agitated and angry when he came to and was removed from her room. The next roommate had tried to commit suicide that morning by taking 70 pills. When he woke up he was very angry to still be here. To still be alive. 

Abdominal pain, extreme sadness in the same room with stories of very sad people... 

Tasha has a tender heart. She hurts for these people. 

And I speak out loud Lord have Mercy.

They could not get her to Seattle easily - she had a long wait. Once in Seattle, the appendectomy went well. She was allowed to go home a few days later. 

She has experienced a lot of bleeding because her estrogen is out of whack (common transplant side affect)

She spent her 40th birthday at UW hospital waiting to see if they would do an transfusion, an iron infusion... 

My voice became louder; LORD HAVE MERCY

And then I was listening to Christian radio and it was brought to my attention that this is a short period in the grand scheme of things... this is God's "meanwhile"

I know this... but this has felt like a long time of hardship. 

These things are happening for HIS  greater good

I still don't like it. I have wrestled with God on many levels in the past year. 

And then I consider this....

Natasha's heart was failing. The heart she was born with failed - with her experiencing many hard days and hospital stays while she was in her 30s

She just turned 40 and has a new heart that works well. There are just a lot of adjustments and for some reason she has been brought through many storms during her life, with recent days being no exception. 

But - what about a year from now?

 Less rejection meds - a body more accepting of this new heart - less tiredness - Thinking of it makes me smile. 

There is HOPE. 

Please pray with me again as you have so many times before. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...