Sunday, February 27, 2022

Life, as we know it


Basin Feed has their chicks in! yes, already

We may not get chickens this spring if we do, we would only get one or two. I want to wait till it warms up a bit...But we will get some mallards I think! 

Our pekin and mallard are loving life on Crab Creek! 

I have several boxes and totes of old papers, recipes, newspaper clippings, school awards for Merit and Willem when they were in elementary and on... even some pre-school stuff. OH! My saving heart! 

Willem went through a bin today and I gave him permission to throw a good share of it away! This was not easy but our closets are full,full, full. This was just one bin. And honestly it may be a month or months before we tackle others, but that is okay. 

Oren is soaring and although he likes school he LOVES home days! 

Willem has baseball try outs this week! 

Hazel is doing great in 6th grade! I enjoyed hearing about a writing piece on autism that she is doing. 

Yesterday that was a specialness about it that I think I will always remember and maybe never be able to fully explain. The morning started out rough. By 11:20 I was at Columbia Basin College, watching the Walla Walla Warriors play their first games of the season. Their preparation has been for more intense and time consuming than I would have imagined. I watched the Warriors interact and was so impressed with their encouragement, their laughter too and their attitude. These 18-22 year old guys have a lot on their plate. I realize this more and more and I can say I was impressed by what I saw. It was really hard to leave those ball fields. Merit was closing pitcher in their first game of the double header and he did his job well. 

I am so bummed because I am having these recent vision issues. eek. Headaches too. 

Eye strain, vision change, stress... just some prayers that it eases a bit and sometime soon. I think I am going to another eye doctor to learn more but just hope I know the correct steps to take. 

I am so excited for tomorrow! I will be teaching second grade! 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...