Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February First!

Second semester has started for the Jansen kids. Hazel LOVED ART and is wishing it could have continued... next year! 

Oren is cruising along; working on borrowing, telling time, and working hard to complete his reading log each month. 

Willem does SO much better with in person learning compared to remote. His grades are looking GOOD!

We do not talk to Merit like we did. His course load is heavy and SPRING might be right around the corner so those guys are working HARD in preparation! It's pretty exciting! He REALLY likes his teammates! GO WARRIORS 

I have been doing water color when I have a little time here and there. Hazel sometimes joins me. 

When I sub, the students refresh me! 

Their learning is so important.

I lost a little enthusiasm for my blog when my grandma passed. When we talked on the phone she often asked me about something I had posted, it was a fun topic of conversation. I miss her terribly. So many do. 

My dad is getting better and is out and about and we are so thankful for the many who prayed!

I have Phillip on speed dial which has been so fun! It became a habit out of necessity - joining forces to help get our dad well - then it became fun too. 

Vance is looking forward to a fishing trip. 

Our pets want warmer weather and longer days. Can't believe it is February first! TIME IS FLYING! 

I am so thankful for good friends who make the journey sweeter. There is so much stress in this world. Prayerful fun friends are a sweet, needed blessing. I am very thankful for our kids' friends too!


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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...