Monday, July 15, 2019

I know that smile

Tasha's home! We are all thankful.
Praying she doesn't have headaches or dizziness.
Praying her heart is protected even HEALED!

These kids have been so sweet through this.

Hazel: "Mom, good job on the dishes." (encouraging me in even little household chores)

Oren after seeing this pic of me and Tasha:

"oh! She's feeling better. I know that smile."

which I thought was the cutest thing

I get a message from Willem at Gonzaga "I am praying for Natasha"

Merit is texting Tasha. Praying for her throughout the day.

I am so grateful.

This house has never been messier - so, I get a grip on this or attempt to
The Riverdog team that Merit is on is playing in Calgary!! Regionals! 
Good luck to these guys!!!

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