Thursday, July 4, 2019

A new toothbrush~

When I was a year or two older than Merit, Santa gave all five of us kids a toothbrush in our Christmas stocking. The only funny thing was, they had names other than our own on them.

My mom would be bright red blushing if she knew I was blogging about this story!!

I remember seeing a bit of a clearance sticker on the toothbrush package. We all probably needed new toothbrushes. This story makes me laugh harder than it ever has because I am at that stage of being a mom.

I am shopping quick because I usually have somewhere to be!
I am grabbing from clearance.
Silly mistakes are made that my kids giggle at me for.
I warm up my coffee in the microwave at 9 a.m. but don't find it till 4:30 p.m. - awesome, an afternoon cup.
I weigh weeding the garden, somebody having a friend over, washing windows, going to coffee with a friend, taking the kids swimming, and re-stocking my items at the Favored Farmhouse - prioritizing being oh so tricky.
Gosh I love this.

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