Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case William

Some days I have sort of lost the ability to relate to those around me. Some days my heart aches so much for those I love that I become withdrawn.

My chickens have to hear the long versions of life's injustices. Oh, I just laughed as I typed that.

My kids pick me up when I am down. This is not their job, but wow, they are good at it.

Today my nephew Case would be TEN. TEN years old! Our mom is watching him blow out ten birthday candles in heaven!

 Natasha and I were pregnant with Hazel and Case at the same time! It was SO fun to get together at Oma's lodge in Plain, WA!! Oh I laugh when I think of that trip!

 sisters in Plain, WA
 Such a fun trip!
 My dads!
Thanksgiving 2009

Case and Hazel

Pray with me for Tasha, Reese, Lane, and girls. 
Pray for healing for Tasha's heart too. 

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Chilly days, good days

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