Wednesday, January 23, 2019


 Cousin fun on Willem's birthday! You guessed it, Fortnite!

 These two! taking a break on a fun hike. Oren suggested a picture.


Connie the Cat
 So, funny thing or maybe it was an annoying thing. 
My dad, Vance and I were sitting around the wood stove in the shop visiting on Sunday. We saw a mouse! We have been so lucky to not have mice in the shop. We have seen signs on the rare occasion, really we have not had an issue though. We set Connie on the floor, she was cat napping on one of the chairs. 
She hunts the mouse, sort of. I think she really hated being woken up from her nap in front of the fire. 
She tries to hunt - because she sees the humans in the room expect this of her. 
She has been known to be a good hunter in the past...
She catches the mouse and then lets it go! I shriek, everyone shrieks.
My dad and I have a mutual dislike for mice. I can handle snakes over mice. 
Well, my dad begins criticizing Connie. Going quite over the top with his criticism! If you know my dad, you can hear this going down. 
Connie will see the cat counselor on Friday. Her self worth is low.  -- I am kidding. But oh dear, one can about imagine.

 Connie, please keep hunting.
And know you are lucky that you are not Grandpa Jim's cat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mouse, Connie, have me laughing. Picture of Connie is perfect response to Jim!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...