Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Pick a word, be a friend

I like to pick a word for the NEW YEAR.
I really focus on that word. Of course I am better about focusing on it in the first few months of the year - seems that's how new year's resolutions often go - but that word does hold a significance and importance throughout the year.
The most important word has probably been FORGIVE.
That would not be a bad word for 2019 either.

Something I pray for my siblings, my children, my family and my friends is that they have at least one friend where trials, joys, challenges, prayer requests and thanksgivings can be easily expressed. 

I am so glad I have more than one.

I texted a friend this morn about struggles, about two people in our family being sick, about worries and I ended the text asking her what she likes to make with won ton wraps. 
When you can pour your heart out a bit, ask for prayer, reveal the hard but still care about and want a good recipe - that flow of conversation, the hard and the trivial, is a beautiful thing.

I miss basketball. Basketball is a fast paced, exciting distraction. And I love routing for my kids and their peers. But Friday night we are back to games.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May you have and be THAT friend; the one where recipes and time in jail are shared. The one where you can laugh about a lengthy conversation with a stranger or call to let them know the Halloween or Christmas candy at WalMart is 1/2 off. The friend who wants to help you lose ten pounds (but only if you want to), especially if that means you walk together. The friend who knows you may be at the end of your rope so she somehow helps you extend that rope.

TEN mood boosters for 2019

2)Bring a homeless person warm socks. Don't just drop and go, converse a bit. I learn these things from Willem and Merit.
3)Bless someone with quarters at the Laundry Mat
4)Take a teacher a coffee or a pack of EXPO markers
5)Deliver pet supplies to your local shelter
8)Eat at a mall food court
9)Write a letter
10)Don't let people think your life is perfect. No ones is.

HAPPY 2019! 

1 comment:

Shan and the J's said...


Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...