Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday Update

First, a little weekend recap. It was influential for sure. Friday I was a third grade teacher. There is a girl in this particular class who was homeless for some time and now her housing situation is better. She has shared her story and her life with me. It is only appropriate for me to share a bit here. ... she is a "late bus" kid which allows us ten or twenty minutes after school to often connect. Her story is heavy. But it is difficult to see that within her. What I see is a friendliness and kindness and certainly a yearning to learn. She is the kind of kid who never seems to have a bad day. Her teacher is caring and the young girl adores her. I leave wondering what exactly I am supposed to be for this girl. And I pray that I may know.
Friday night I attended the IF Gathering at Moses Lake Pres. Wow. It impacted me in a big way. I left inspired. The idea of it is sort of a back to basics approach. The speakers encouraged us to share Jesus love in our homes, with our neighbors, co-workers, students... to DO LIFE with people, we were reminded to consider Jesus "doing life" with his 12 disciples. We have gotten busy and rushed. We turn to social media to be socially fed or recognized at times. It is so important to invest in people and spend time with them. The IF Gathering rebooted my system.
And through it I was introduced to great speakers and great reads! (got time with a couple of very dear friends too)

Then a double header for Will and his team Sunday, two wins! So much fun to watch these guys play!

 A fun BBQ between games!!

 Cam and Oren!! Oh this warms my heart!!
And these two, they friendship they share is so fun. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...