Monday, April 17, 2017


This girl has never dyed eggs! Oh! This was right up her alley. What a great way to spend our Friday early evening. Friday I taught kindergarten and was so blessed by the little people I interacted with all day! 
When I look into their faces and see a piece of their story, I just can't wait to read to them, teach them, encourage them! It was fun and challenging. We got home and dyed eggs. They turned out so cute. 
Then Friday night, Hazel, Willem and I went to the Good Friday service. Late Friday night, Matt and Brenda arrived at our house! Our Saturday was spent soaking up the sun, mostly. Brenda and I stuffed Easter eggs and baskets, with some help from Hazel Jane, while the guys took the boat out. We joined them on the lake for the afternoon. The weather was gorgeous. We packed sort of a picnic lunch and cruised the lake. Our friend Jeff's dock seemed to be the perfect place to soak up some rays. 
Boating pics to come

He and his mom have the same reaction when they find YORK peppermint patties!

 Oren and B

The hope we have because Jesus died for our SINS. He was risen from the dead. 
We have life after death because of  His resurrection. 
I am thankful. So thankful.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...