Wednesday, June 22, 2016

a little Wednesday update

This week so far has been busy and good. 
Vacation Bible School is in full swing and it is such a blessing! We are loving it. 
I get to work with Maria Bong doing crafts with pre-K kids! It is very fun. Maria and I work well together. Hazel and Willem are each in their own class with their grade. I love what they are learning. And Merit and Oren are hanging out together. 
We are raising money for our missionaries, serving in Africa, to have school desks, teacher desks and solar panels. The kids are excited about this! 

Last Saturday in Ellensburg it was cold, windy, rainy! I had Willem, Hazel and Oren. Hazel begged to go to the car, Oren explored every mud puddle he could! The fields were a mess but the games were not delayed. Our tough, hard working 10 U boys played through it all and it was something! It was my least favorite of baseball days, but still some good memories were made. I left to get a caramel latte and an umbrella between games. And then baseball Sunday in E'burg was gorgeous. These boys played hard, they did great. There were several grandfathers at the games on Father's Day, this warmed my heart.

Merit and Vance spent the weekend in Tri Cities. Some good baseball was happening there too.

 The kids got creative in order to stay warm.

And since then, our weather has been nice and we are enjoying it! 

Willem netted a butterfly the other day and we observed it for about 20 minutes before letting it go. It was beautiful.

1 comment:

Linda Marie Smoots said...

My first cousin is Vic, who is Vance's dad. So that makes my son Jim Arnold,, Vance's 2nd cousin. My name is Linda Jansen Smoots, part of an enormous group of cousins. We live in Desert Aire, very close to Beverly, where Vic lives.

I also have a blog, lindasmootsblog Great reading your stuff!

Cheers to 2025!

 Life is cruising right along.  Through 2024 I realized I was following behind in the technology world. There seemed to be no way for to ade...