Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday night

Gosh, today I am just a little bit behind on everything. Well, a whole lot behind on some things. Got nearly a ninety minute walk/stroller ride in which was great. Usually I don't push it for more than 30 minutes. Oren, however, had the patience for it today. And I appreciated a long walk.
a highlight of the weekend, watching Hayden Meek hit a TRIPLE! 

Claunch did a great job pitching.

I love watching Main and Aguilar catch, Stuart too.

oh this sweet girl

Merit Henry! and he was safe!

Stan, Adie and Sandy came and supported the Dirt Brothers and the 10 U team!

Hazel, Oren and the Stuart's darling pup!!

Willem - I love his hustle.

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Chilly days, good days

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