Tuesday, February 9, 2016

From the Heart

More sunshine, less fog.
Homework, a new dishwasher, Valentines, SPORTS, dirty diapers, calls from friends, hilarious texts from my sisters, belting out Funky Cold Medina in the car.
Sunlight shining through dirty windows. My husband wonders when they might be cleaned. ;-)
Raising chickens.

And dreaming of baby chicks! We are going to get 2 in one month!! Maybe even ducks! 

I am exercising daily but oh my lands, weight is so much harder to get off when you are 40 than it is when you are 25.

When Hazel talks about kindergarten, it is the most precious thing! Oh my gosh, I love seeing learning and socializing through the eyes of this six year old! 

Merit is the easiest 13 year old I have ever met.

Willem is a dear. He pushes buttons, he tests limits and he loves us in such a genuine way. He is excited about his Valentine party! And he is doing SO WELL in school!!

Oren keeps me humble. He makes me smile. He kisses me twenty times a day. He misses Hazel while she is away. He has strong opinions. He is fun. He is SO expressive.

My dad visited last weekend. It was good and it was challenging. My dad is one of the most unique people. He can tell stories for days. When he left, my head was spinning. The visit wore me out. Merit had a basketball tourney that weekend, gosh I love his hustle. My dad was shouting out completely crazy, off the wall things during one of the games. I thought he might be ejected. 

A true highlight of his visit (and this happens almost every time he visits) is that he wakes up early on Sunday morning. He has always been an early riser. He wakes up Merit and Willem too. The three of them go for hot chocolate, coffee and cinnamon rolls. What those three talk about at a table at Sherri's Restaurant I will never know. But the boys come back with huge smiles and my dad seemed light hearted. And the sweet moments outweigh the challenges. My dad has mellowed. And for the sake of my children, I am very grateful.

My camera is still out of commission and so often blog posts are a bit unexciting without pictures. I hope to get it up and running soon, especially with baby chicks and spring right around the corner.

I miss my mom incredibly. 
And I am so thankful I had her for an example.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...