Saturday, February 20, 2016

DKs, thrifting, making memories

This smile. His company! Oh he keeps me entertained.

These books are little thrift store treasures. The kids and I went to Value Village in Tri Cities the other day. 
That night Hazel and I started reading the Read-Aloud Kindergarten Stories, copyright 1957. The language is wonderful! We crawl into bed and read one story each night and I feel I am going back in time.

At the Senior Center Thrift Store in Ephrata

DKs! I drool just thinking about their burgers. - I love this pic! It is cute of all of them.

Our life is a little shaken again this week. A boy we know well and love, his father died. Jackson has been part of the baseball family, a great kid! His dad, Randy Fair, died earlier in the week. Lots of junior high boys, along with many others, took this news very hard. Hurting for their friend and imagining life without their father. Walking with Merit through this is hard and messy and important.

I felt like this was a week of intense emotion. Soaking up the good, mourning with those who mourn.
Vance and I went out last night. We enjoyed a date, dinner, a benefit auction, time with good friends, dancing. I am so often reminded LIVE - because tomorrow is not promised.

I want to be a better friend, a better mom and wife, a better sister and daughter, a better everything. And I don't feel I am failing. I just have the desire to work harder and love unconditionally. This week rocked us. And as we navigate these hard things, we certainly thank God for His love - and are reminded to hold Him close --  I am also thankful for friends and family who come along side of us.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...