Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Simple beauty, daily life

sweet boy! 

one of Oren's new interests, this horse full of memories!
I was 9 months pregnant with Merit Henry when Vance's Grandpa Henry died. This horse
was given to us by the family. It was ridden by many boys and girls at Grandpa Henry's! Our children have enjoyed it very much.

Merit and me! 

 Adding an American girl to our house has been really fun! Kit has a neat story and watching Hazel play with her has been special.

Loving life, the cabin and SNOW!
Being with this girl is inspiring. So many things are beautiful. She is showing me "simple beauties" in our every day lives.She radiates kindness.

Okay, so before I can blog again, I need to write 5 letters. Handwritten letters are such a treasure. Who doesn't love going out to their mailbox and getting a letter??
I need to bake with Hazel. She has been requesting this all day! 
Clean my kitchen sink. 
Take our Christmas tree down. :(
Blogging is a treat~ I love reading others and enjoy updating my own. So I will make it reward after accomplishing some things I need to accomplish. 

1 comment:

kelly said...

Letters are SO special! Old rocking horses & American girls too!!! XO

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...