Thursday, December 19, 2013

chubby cheeked sweetheart!!

Ohhhh and I love this helper of ours, Miss Hazel Jane

This baby doll Oren is almost seven months already!! Time is cruising by!

The kids are so excited for Christmas! Tomorrow Merit and Willem have their class parties and an all school sing along.

Vance put together a darling pink "kitchen" for Hazel the other night. The heavy box with LOTS of pieces overwhelmed me!! I was so grateful he was willing to put it together! It looks so cute! All of my kids have played with a little thrift store kitchen, it cost me $5 many years ago. It will be fun for her to have a new little kitchen. When I was little my Grandma Alma and Grandpa Ken gave me a little fridge for Christmas. I played and played with that. I remember playing "restaurant" in our basement, using plywood on top of what we could find and using those as restaurant tables. We had play food and dishes... good memories!! 

I love the ages of these kids. I love soaking them up. Precious gifts!

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...