Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

This snow has been So fun.

I just wish Vance and Merit had more daylight hours at home
 to spend it with us.

Hazel's personality melts my heart. She is curious,
adorable, SO CUDDLY... so fun!

Willem is always up for a winter hike!
I love hanging out with him.

Willem is sooo sweet to his little sis!
She is so fortunate to have two wonderful, doting
big brothers.

her eylashes

Little Miss Blue Eyes
We are crazy about you.

Winter Fun!

Snowy Cabin...


April said...

Those pictures are so pretty, Michele...make me want some snow so badly, but I won't hold my breath! It's such a rarity here in the Deep South. Have tons of fun playing in it!

Hannah said...

Love your snow pics at the top of your cute. I enjoy reading about your Willem...he reminds me a bit of my Willem. A fun loving adventurous big brother. Don't you just love that name? Your kids are precious!

Maria said...

I have to agree...this snow winter wonderland is beautifuL! We are enjoying it too. Love the pic of Willem in black and white and what an adorable pic of Hazel in that crochet hat! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Hazel's hat has to be the cutest thing ever! It snowed today in NC. I was not excited! I am glad that our winters are short.

Leah said...

Winter wonderland is right! Wow, so gorgeous (but so cold). This California girl gets cold in the 50's here - yikes. Wouldn't stand a chance up there!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...