Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Niece, time with friends, celebrating Christmas

Katie and I
It was really fun to get together with a few friends last 
week at Katie's. Our kids played, we ladies talked and laughed.
It was a great afternoon!  
These days have been full with errands, house cleaning, different events
so after sitting around and visiting for the afternoon, I felt refreshed.

Katie, Shelli and Jami

Katie's beautiful little girl Maddie

Decorating graham crackers... Willem is my gingerbread house maker, cookie baker, graham cracker decorator.

Each December our church has a HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS PARTY
Willem attended this party and made some of the cutest gifts there!!

Here is a picture of my friend Aubrey's twins, crafting :)

and Willem right before we left, standing next to the Christmas Tree
He really enjoyed the Happy Birthday Jesus party!

Over the weekend our boys were sick.
I was sick to, but didn't seem to get the bug half as
bad as the boys.
It was bummer timing, because we had
a visit from Natasha, Reese, Lane and Estelle. It was so good
to meet that sweet little Estelle and get some time with their family!
Both boys were so determined to do a little sledding with Lane, even though they
felt really yucky! Both are on the mend now, thankfully.
Makes me so thankful for our health.
More pictures from our weekend to come...
but I had to share our new little niece!!

The adorable Estelle Hope.... what a sweet blessing from God!


The Mulder Family said...

Hope everyone is feeling better :) Merry Christmas!!

Joelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you weren't feeling 100%. That's no fun when you're trying to be a good host. I hope everyone feels better by this weekend. Merry Christmas Michele.

Lesha said...

SO good of you to get a quick post in despite you busy life. Love the picture of you and Estelle. Hazel hair looks like it is growing, can't wait to see her. Willem looks likes such a little decorator. AND the picture of the snow by the cabin.........beautiful too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lots of fun! Love the pictures. Your new niece is just adorable!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...