Sunday, November 22, 2009


I feel I may need toothpicks to keep my eyes open today. I am oh so tired. Hazel Jane has been a good sleeper overall -- I am so grateful for this! But last night she stirred and fussed and just needed some soothing from about 3:30 am on... I asked Vance yesterday to PLEASE wake me early this morning so I could go to the 8:00 service at church. I haven't wanted to take Hazel to church... yet... being it's flu season and all. Vance woke me and I went... but with tired eyes. The message was wonderful, made me want to dive into the book of James this week and it put things into perspective for me with Thanksgiving right around the corner.
Hazel has been in our arms pretty much all morning and yesterday was the same way... she cries and sounds so sad and then we pick her up and "awww... relief" This IS what I signed on for and I will take it all... even the occasional long nights and sometimes fussy days.

This Thanksgiving I am very thankful for my mom. Often over the holidays and her birthday... and also through the month of March, the month she passed away, I feel sad. I am lonesome for her. I want to share my kids with her and I so wish my kids could know her! But this November I am grateful for WHO she was, for the values she taught me, for being a friend, a role model, a Christian parent and a patient, kind woman. God did great things through her during her 45 years of life on earth.
I want to be the mother to my daughter that my mom was to me.
Today I feel so blessed to have three wonderful children.
I am also sooo thankful that my parents had five children. I TREASURE my relationships with my siblings. They are friends for life, people I laugh with every time I am around them and DEAR to my heart.
I can't remember the last time I spent Thanksgiving with my dad and siblings... maybe once in the nine years since my mom passed away. This Thanksgiving I get to spend it with them. And I will do so with a grateful heart.

From her button nose, to her tiny toes... Thank God for Hazel Jane.

Both of our boys are proud, responsible big brothers. Yesterday I captured this sweet shot of Merit and Hazel.


Natasha said...

She is so cute, even if she does like to be held all the time :) I am SO thankful that I get to spend Thanksgiving with all of you too! Very excited to see everyone and to meet Hazel!

Robin Beck said...

What a wonderful tribute to your mother. It really hit home for me being I am 45. I'm so thrilled she knew/knows the Lord!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving,


P.S. Hazel is beautiful as are the boys-What blessings.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother! Today 8 years ago my husband lost his Father. It never seems to get any easier during the holidays.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Maria said...

In that first pic Hazel looks so much like Merit!!! What cute little toes. You are truly a wonderful mother...I am sure your children will see a part of your mother in you.

Susanna said...

Love the piggie toe pictures, what is it that make baby feet so cute to photograph?

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...