Thursday, November 19, 2009

card winner, fun with our three at home!

There are sooo many things I want to blog about! Numerous pictures of this darling baby girl, fun pics of her big bros! And some craft project pictures as well! But, I will get to just a few today...

The boys have been playing store. Merit's theme for his store is usually football -- in the summer it was NASCAR but now that we are deep into football season, he has a NFL store. :) Sometimes the boys open shop together, other times they each have their own. I love to shop at their store. Vance loves it when I shop at their stores too, compared to "real" shopping. Spending play money and buying items that are already in your house is something the hubby's really appreciate. :)

Every day we soak up Hazel Jane's sweetness!!! Oh this baby is a dream! A blogging friend, Tami, sent her this sweet blankie!! Thank you Tami! Hazel has some "fruit" fashions that will go perfectly with this blanket. :)

The lucky card give away winner is MINDY!!! A seasoned stamper herself, I think she will like these handmade goodies! Congrats Mindy! Please choose between these three sets. JUST FYI to my blogging friends, the sets Mindy doesn't pick are for sale... for $5.
set 1

set 2
set 3

More soon!! Love, Michele


Lesha said...

Shoot, I missed the giveaway!

Lesha said...

Whoops, I thought the card giveaway was a separate post. I need to show Kai and Amara these store photos. What a fun idea. It makes me think of us playing together when we were kids. You were always SO good about thinking of good things to play.

Mindy K said...

Woo Hoo! You made my day.
I choose set 2! Thanks so much. What a joy it is to read your blog. I love your updates and photos of my awesome nephews and niece. By the way, I got another new niece today. Mark and Christina had 7 pound, 1 oz baby Telia Maria this morning. I am so blessed!
Can't wait to see you and meet Hazel. Will you be at Dad's on Saturday after Turkey Day?

Tami said...

*you are welcome*

Beautiful cards!

Nice that Mindy won ;)

MTiesinga said...

What a Beautiful little girl!!!I love checking out your latest....

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winner!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...