Thursday was Willem's Happy Hearts preschool program. I loved listening to those little ones sing about Jesus. Happy Hearts reminds me how important it is to teach are children the REASON for the SEASON.
Jesus Birthday -- what an awesome thing to celebrate.
As I looked at all of the darling children singing about Jesus, I noticed our son, Willem, had broken a hole through the knee of his pair of "nice" brown pants. I knew they were wearing thin, but a hole?? Oh yeah, he had fallen in the 10 degree cold on the pavement on his way into his preschool. Also that morning his hair was so full of static! Miss Pat tried to apply a little lotion :). Miss Claudia could tell by the look on my face I had had better days... feeling a bit emotional, lacking some sleep and feeking like I can't quite keep up. She gave me a chocolate and said she'd pray for me... two pretty great things a friend can do. :)
Then I wondered during the program why I hadn't bought Willem new pants, put a little hairspray in his hair and just been more aware.
I have moments of feeling inadequate - but I am guessing we all do. I am an irresponsible pet owner, I'm indecisive, I can be an emotional mother, a wife who often considers the needs of her children before the needs of her husband. Some days there just isn't enough of me to go around. Or at times I become critical of myself and think if I were a "better me" there would be enough of me to go around. This time of year can be hectic and emotional too. But in the past few days I have been so blessed by friends and their encouragement. And more importantly I have been blessed by the power of prayer.
I am feeling some regret, along with sadness regarding a recent decision I've made - not something I want to get into now but it has felt tough. And it has triggered lots of emotions.
It is very wonderful to have a baby in the house and Merit and Will couldn't be better big brothers, but I have a lot to do and a lot to keep track of. I love my days with these children, they are precious gifts.
Liz, Kelly, Kris, Natasha and Daphine -- thank you for helping me
deal with
life this week! Most of us are doing the best we can with what we've got. God places some pretty incredible people in our life. And these women, this week, were the support I needed.
Happy Birthday today to my friend and husband Vance -- I am grateful for his dedication and
Today is a good day, a day where I am stopping to count my blessings! -- our little angel Hazel is as content as can be. The boys are finally getting some FRESH air playing baseball outside with the neighbor kids... they were a bit stir crazy. It has been sooo cold here, like 10 degrees. Vance and I are enjoying a quiet house, if only for twenty minutes.
Christmas Programs -- a highlight of our week

Willem, striped shirt, front row :)

Merit, plaid shirt on the end
Life is Good. And when I am stressed about holiday hoop-la and busy days... I must remember the
Reason for the Season!