Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Valentines Day

Yesterday was one of those days that was entirely filled with too much good stuff and I had to turn some of those good things away.  My personality struggles with this. I had Bible Study in the morning. The content and the friendships bless me.  I subbed from 11 on. It was in a fabulous third grade classroom and we had a Good Manners valentine party. The boys practiced acting as gentlemen and the girls as ladies and it was fun and beautiful and nearly perfect. 

I hadn't slept a lot the night before but was not too tired. The kids re-charge my battery not to mention I was popping conversation hearts left and right. 

Oren and I grocery shopped after work. He helped me load the car and put the cart in the cart return. He was helpful, but honestly he usually is. I was pulled to drive to Sunnyside for the varsity basketball play off game but decided having a nice dinner at home (Vance made lasagna) and being a part of Hazel and her friend getting ready for their first middle school dance was more important. Watching these girls get ready was a joy! Dinner at home was great! And I got my spin bike workout in. 

I missed the game a little. What I missed more was the ride home with Willem.

Our boys basketball season is over. I so wish we could have kept going. 

The rate these kids are growing has me quite frazzled lately. 

I hope I can just enjoy it, because Lord knows I cannot slow it down.

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