Sunday, February 5, 2023

Our guy

 For several years - four would by my guess - we have known of a homeless man in Moses Lake who tugs on my heart strings on a regular basis. There is no indication that this man uses drugs. Every time I speak with him, he looks me in the eyes. He is maybe 35 - although he could be younger, living a life like that would surely cause one to age. 

Helping him in small ways used to be pretty easy. His "place" was out in front of Ross and Famous Footwear. Warm drinks in the winter and cold drinks in the summer were appreciated. Sometimes we get takeout from Sumo Hibachi and would usually bring him a soup or salad that came with the meal. 

For about the past year, we see him very irregularly. He drags one foot. 

Hazel, Oren, and I saw him about six weeks ago. The sidewalks were covered with ice and snow. He was badly dragging his leg and his face looked so full of pain. 

I pulled into a gas station and approached him on the sidewalk. I wish I would have gathered my composure before approaching him. But feeling overwhelmed for him, I heard my voice spill, "You look like you are in a lot of pain!" to which he responded, "I am!"

I asked him if he could see a doctor for his foot, he said he was working on it. I gave him money for soup or something warm. He said he was very hungry.

My knee hurt pretty bad that day. But I have advil, tylenol, a knee massager, a hot shower, a warm bed to sleep in... it really put things in perspective  - once again. 

The following day my car was in the shop so I drove Willem's truck. I packed a care bag with cheese and crackers, canned meat, orange juice. Just in case I saw "our guy". I didn't. 

Willem got in his truck the next day, so excited about the snack bag I packed him - lol. When he saw the canned meat he called me and said "I am guessing this is not for me but for 'our guy' " - He was right.

I get so in my own head I can drive myself crazy. An over thinker to the point of - I am not sure what. Conversations can wear me out. The very best thing I have found I can do is help others. And what is so so cool about this, is my family supports it 100 percent.

When I have overthought and doubted what I do or did - I choose to drop gifts off to teachers or help a homeless person in a small way, or make a little donation. It truly keeps me sane. 

Say a prayer for "our guy"  - I have snack bags packed for the week, just hoping our paths may cross. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...