Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12

 13 years ago today my nephew Case passed away.  I remember many many specific details of that day. 

It is a day that forever changed us. 

Natasha's heart was damaged that day. Maybe not her physical heart, but she has continued to live with a void in her heart with the loss of her precious baby boy. 

As she experienced heart failure in the years to follow, I often thought about what the death of a child may do to one's heart. 

I am so very grateful she has a new, strong heart. One that still grieves the loss of our mom and Case - among others, but a healthy heart. Her perseverance and grace during this journey has been an inspiration. 

People get sick, people die, there are hurricanes and floods ... these are things of this world. 

And although we may all have our moments of asking WHY? - it really is only natural - we know death occurs and that natural disasters happen and that there is disease and heartache.

It has been pressing so greatly on my heart how the little things we can control should not be taken lightly. The way WE TREAT PEOPLE and the WAY WE ALLOW OTHERS TO TREAT US. We have some control of this! 

I feel like this is so important to know and to do something about. 

We will see Case again some day. We look towards the heavens, so thankful for our hope in Jesus. 

Please pray for Natasha, Reese, Lane, Estelle, and Ingrid tonight. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...