Wednesday, January 11, 2023



It's Wednesday! 

The sun was out yesterday and it was glorious! It tried to peek out today but we are back to clouds. 

I sub tomorrow - 5th grade. 

Oren is still into Legos and having a ball!! He got the Lego City hospital for Christmas and loves it! 

Hazel sent me a picture of rolls she made in culinary class today. They looked amazing and delicious! 

Willem had team dinner at MacDonalds last night - Eric and Teresa MacDonalds and it sounded like a ball. Willem is enjoying basketball. He's doing great in school! He is delighted with his teachers! I hope next semester is as great. 

I think Merit's classes are going well and I think he is having the time of his life. This kid! 

He is very plugged in and loves the town of 

Walla Walla.

The animals are happy and content and may dream of green grass and less ice and muck. 

Oren is enjoying little dribblers and really looks up to the HS players, Carter Smith being one of them.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...